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Interview with a Refugee

Two Syrian Refugees living in Istanbul, Turkey.

"Humans of New York" photographer Brandon Stanton took this picture of these two children and interviewed them in Istanbul, Turkey. According to Business Insider (the website from which i got this information from) they are Syrian refugees and they've been through a lot. One kid said that in second grade a bomb dropped on his school. He explains the sound as "a building coming apart". For a kid that is a very vivid thing to say. This puts in perspective of how mature they are because of their experiences. He has many dreams for his future such as wanting to be a professor that looks at dinosaur bones. He has a lot of dreams for his future and it is interesting to see how he has wishes and goals for himself just like normal kids. They also explain how they love to invent things such as the toy they are holding. These children shouldn't have the memory of bombs dropping on their school and being attacked. They should be allowed to live out their dreams of becoming a professor and study dinosaur bones and inventing things.

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