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Nigerian bombing: A Mistake or on Purpose?

On Tuesday, January 17, 2017 a fighter jet was looking for a local Nigerian extremist group called Boko Haram. Boko Haram is a terrorist group and they invaded a part of Nigeria and made dozens of Nigerians flee to a different part of Nigeria. The fighter jet, DAKAR, Senega accidently dropped bombs on a displaced group of Nigerians who fled from Boko Haram. From this information, an inference has been made that no one was flying the jet and it was on autopilot. The jet most likely had some sort of scanner to search for Boko Haram and made a mistake thinking that the displaced people were extremists. The displaced people were in a refugee camp.The bombing killed six humanitarian workers and dozens of camp/refugee residents. Other residents were wounded as well.

I don’t see how bombing a camp/location could be “accidently”. Dropping bombs is a serious and dangerous action. Somebody had to be controlling the fighter jet. I wonder if a person was flying the fighter jet was sued for killing many innocent lives. Since technology today has advanced, the fighter jet was most likely being driven by autopilot. If it was driven by autopilot, the Nigerian organization for jets/defense should upgrade thei jets.

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